Established in 1991, Women’s Health Grampians (WHG) is one of nine regional and three state-wide women’s health services funded by the Victorian Department of Health. WHG aims to improve women’s equality, health and wellbeing in the Grampians region and beyond.
We work closely with all levels of government, community and business partners to achieve better public policy and services for women, and to work towards achieving gender equality.
Our Strategic Plan sets out our approach and priorities for action.
Our region has a population of about 250,000 and spans more than 48,000 square kilometers.
The region is made up of 11 Local Government Areas:
Golden Plains
Northern Grampians
West Wimmera
It incorporates three sub-regions Central Highlands, Grampians Pyrenees and Wimmera, with a diverse range of communities from major growth urban centres to rural and remote towns.
Women in regional and rural areas like the Grampians face additional barriers to accessing health and wellbeing services, and are at increased risk of family violence. We have a strong and growing network of organisations from across the Grampians region who share a vision for safer, equal and respectful communities. Read more about our Communities of Respect and Equality (CoRE) Alliance.