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WHG Partners with Nicholson Construction on CoRE Hi-Vis Project

By 22/10/2021Gender Equality

Nicholson Construction is excited to be working with Women’s Health Grampians (WHG) as part of the Communities of Respect and Equality (CoRE) HI-VIS project. CoRE HI-VIS supports organisations to attract and retain women into non-traditional workforce roles across the Grampians region, with a particular focus on trades and manufacturing.

Women’s participation in the construction industry currently sits at around 10% of the workforce, a statistic Nicholson Construction is keen to change:

‘The Directors acknowledge we should take action to address the gender imbalance in our Company.’

Richard Nicholson, Director Nicholson Construction

There are multiple benefits in increasing female participation in traditionally male vocations. Increasing diversity in the workforce is good for businesses, can address skills shortages, and can stimulate economic growth—particularly given Government’s investment in construction and manufacturing to lead the post-COVID recovery.

‘The construction industry requires a broad variety of skills, many of which are perfectly suitable for women who bring a refreshing approach to tackling issues and solving problems. For example, with so many people required to deliver complex projects communication is key and frankly, women are often better at that than men. We‘re looking for strategies that attract and retain women in our industry and our company, and know we’ll benefit from an improved gender contribution.’

Richard Nicholson, Director Nicholson Construction

Women working in these fields can challenge traditional gender roles, which assists with prevention of violence against women and provides valuable role modelling for future generations. More women in construction will also help address the gender pay and superannuation gap.

‘Women’s Health Grampians is pleased to be working closely with Nicholson Construction on this project. We share a vision for safe and respectful workplaces and together, we can shift the dial towards a more gender equal construction industry in this region.’

Rose Durey, Manager Strategy and Programs Women’s Health Grampians

Nicholson Construction is implementing an action plan that will cover focus areas ranging from hiring and promotion practices to providing mentoring and peer support to new employees. As a CoRE Alliance member, Nicholson Construction understands that gender equality is a key component of safe, respectful communities, and is proud to be doing its part to contribute.

WHG has received funding from Helen McPherson Smith Trust and City of Ballarat to deliver the CoRE HI-VIS project, and is delighted to be working with Nicholson Construction to provide pathways and opportunities for women in the construction industry.

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