As part of our Increasing Reproductive Choices project we hosted some amazing events in February 2019. In partnership with The Royal Women’s Hospital, Ballarat Community Health, Western Victoria Primary Health Network and 1800 My Options we hosted Medical Abortion Education sessions in Horsham, Ararat and Ballarat. Dr Paddy Moore, Clinical Head of Abortion and Contraception Services at The Royal Women’s Hospital shared her expertise for clinical guidance, support and referral pathways. All events were well attended with 66 people from a variety of professions, such as GPs, medical students, practice and community health nurses, pharmacists, specialists and medical administrators.
As a result, we are pleased to say we now have medical abortion providers listed their services on 1800 My Options both publicly and privately, making it easier for women to access this important information when and where they need it.
If you would like to be involved in the Increasing Reproductive Choices project or for more information please contact Marieke Dam on 0417 028 823 or
Read more about how the Victorian Government-funded Clinical Champions project is training clinicians across Victoria to support access and availability of abortion services.