Equality for All Advocates Speak Out

Women’s Health Grampians innovative Equality for All now has 11 Equality Advocates from a range of diverse backgrounds, able to present on their lived experiences and support CoRE members to develop a deeper understanding of effective strategies to reduce discrimination and the barriers to equality.

Training of the Equality Advocates is now complete and the team has presented across a range of organisations and events including: International Women’s Day, WHG’s Communities of Practice, Ararat CFA and Hepburn Shire Council.

Equality Advocates are able to speak at CoRE members events, workshops and are able to meet one-to-one to talk about equality, diversity and inclusion for all women.

For further information contact Belinda-Sue Parsons, Project Coordinator Equality for All on belinda-sue@whg.au or 5322 4100.

Date: 19/04/2018

Category: Prevention of Violence Against Women

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