Prevention Showcase: Working with Children & Young People to Prevent Violence Against Women

The inaugural Prevention Showcase: Working with Children & Young People to Prevent Violence Against Women event was held on 5 December at the Goldfields Recreation Reserve in Beaufort.  The day saw presentations from seven initiatives from across the Central Highlands region which work with young people where they live, learn and play. Each program showcased at the event contributes to the mutually reinforcing messages which promote gender equality and aim to prevent violence against women before it happens.

Young people featured heavily in the program; Jack Ward from Ararat College shone as event MC, there were musical performances by Ash Egan and Ava Stephens, and a series of skits about respectful and safe relationships by the Creative Learning Team from Ballarat Community Health.

The Hon. Gabrielle Williams, Minister for Youth, Minister for Women and Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, addressed the audience. She shared messages about the importance of whole-of-community prevention initiatives and of her optimism in the young leaders of the future.

“We know that if we can change the mindset of the community we really can shift the harmful attitudes and the overt harmful behaviours that lead to family violence”
The Hon. Gabrielle Williams

Date: 10/01/2020

Category: Prevention of Violence Against Women

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