Tell Your Story

Launching Tell Your Story

We want to hear real stories from real people about their experiences with sexual and reproductive healthcare in their local area.

If you live anywhere in the Grampians Pyrenees, Central Highlands and Wimmera regions you can help our campaign for more local services.
Sharing your story in our anonymous survey will help us better understand the impact on women and gender diverse people if there are limited or no options to get sexual and reproductive healthcare close to where you live.

We are most interested in people seeking access to long acting contraception and early medical abortion.
Our goal is to identify what is working well and what is not.
What we learn from this survey will assist us as we continue to advocate for fairer and more accessible sexual and reproductive healthcare services across our region.
Your privacy is important to us, all answers will be deidentified so they cannot be traced back to you.
Eligible participants in this survey can choose to enter a draw to win one of three $50 gift cards.
There is also an option to potentially take part in a more in depth discussion about your story if you want to.
If you need information right now on where you can get contraception or abortion, please call 1800 My Options (1800 696 784) or visit for assistance.
If you have questions or would like more information before taking part, you can read our participant information sheet but clicking here.
Or contact Stephanie at Women’s Health Grampians by email, phone, or text.
Landline: 5322 4105
Mobile: 0491 620 170

Date: 28/07/2023

Category: Sexual & Reproductive Health

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