Communities of Respect and Equality

As the 2021-2025 CoRE Strategy approaches the half-way point, it is clear that CoRE continues to be a valued initiative with a strong membership base. Members are interested in gender-related issues and willingly engage in training and learning opportunities, such as Communities of Practice and Leading Change events. The majority of CoRE members (78%) have a CoRE Action Plan or Gender Equality Action Plan in place, signalling that gender equality measures are being systematically embedded across their organisations. CoRE members continue to rate the support provided by WHG Regional Consultants as high, and critical to maintaining momentum. This year, we nearly doubled the number of training sessions we delivered, we launched our popular CoRE Conversations webinar series and provided tailored support for defined entities working towards their Gender Equality Act obligations. Extra resourcing and capacity has undoubtedly increased the reach and depth of our work.

New resources

Through CoRE, WHG is able to share new evidence and information about what works in relation to the primary prevention of violence against women. Knowledge transfer is a key goal of the CoRE Strategy and in November, we launched the second edition of the CoRE Taking Action Guide – aimed at providing practical ideas for action to prevent violence against women and promote gender equality within workplaces and organisations in our region

Additional resources developed or updated:

  • Family violence leave policy template
  • or active bystanders

Most downloaded CoRE resources 2022-23

1: Advice Note – Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


2: CoRE Gender Lens Checklist


3: CoRE Family Violence and Working From Home Advice Note


4: CoRE Strategy Plan 2021 – 20225


5: Factsheet | Preventing Violence against Women


Communities of Practice


CoRE Communities of Practice held

% of attendees that were CoRE



Number of attendees

"“(I was) surprised at the levels of family violence in our region.”

“Great to hear from people who work in this area.”"

CoRE Training

Our training program has gone from strength to strength, with demand almost doubling in the past year. It’s fantastic to see our CoRE Alliance investing in their staff, communities, and gender equality.

“The facilitators made it easy to contribute and up front, encouraged tough conversations.”


Training Sessions


Different organisationsparticipated


New trainersrecruited



Case study:

Ballarat Clinical School, Deakin University

This year, our partnership with Deakin Clinical School in Ballarat crossed all priority areas. Active Bystander Training has been incorporated into the annual training calendar since 2019 and is now delivered twice a year acrossall year levels to medical students entering the clinical school for placements.In addition, Prevention of Violence Against Women and Intersectionality training has been delivered, with Equality For All Advocates speaking of their unique lived experiences within the healthcare system.

We continue to expand our partnership and this year Sexual and Reproductive Health in a Rural Context was delivered to cohorts in the Wimmera and Ballarat. This session discussed sexual health data and the impact of limited access to services in this region. WHG also presented at the Clinical Topic Leads meeting and senior doctors learned how and why the attendance of Senior Registrars and Consultants was recognised and valued by students. 

“Having the support of CoRE and our Regional Consultants has enabled our organisation to further challenge attitudes and beliefs around sexism, gender equality and gendered violence. The continued education, evidence and statistics from CoRE has meant that we can bring about further awareness that these issues are real and are being experienced by our staff, students and their patients. This increased understanding is creating better workplaces and patient care and while there is still much work to be done, we are proud of what we have achieved so far.” 

Associate Professor – Director of Clinical Studies (Ballarat) at Deakin University

Work with Gender Equality Act defined entities

Of the 120 CoRE Members, 33 (28%) are Defined Entities with responsibilities under the Victoria Gender Equality Act 2020 to actively promote workplace gender equality, and consider gender equality in their policies, programs and services. Our dedicated Regional Consultants have provided invaluable practical support to Defined Entities over the past year, including by acting as conduits or synthesisers of information from the Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Service; providing practical advice on implementation of Gender Equality Act requirements and Gender Impact Assessment training; and supporting staff who are leading Gender Equality Act work.

“Attending the Community of Practice sessions are a good opportunity to ask questions. This has been helpful for me so far.”

Defined Entity – CoRE Member Check-in Survey Respondent


Resources developed to support Defined Entities

Network meetings held


Different agencies supported

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