Wanting to build, strengthen or sustain a positive and inclusive culture in your clubhouse – then participate in our innovative training, designed for sporting clubs.
Are you after templates for a GEAP or perhaps a gender equality quiz who can use to educate others in engaging ways, or does you club need guidance on 16 Days of Activism and International Women’s Day, leadership statements, etc – we have all that here and more.
We all learn in different ways, if you need a little dose of PD in the area of gender equality in sport and you’re more a visual learner, check out our webinar.
We all learn in different ways, if you need a little dose of PD in the area of gender equality in sport and you’re more a visual learner, check out our webinar.
After basic guidance on troubleshooting different equity issues in sport – such as responding to disclosures of family violence; responding to public allegations; supporting women to become Board ready, etc – then our position statements may be of value.