Gender Equality in Sport and Recreation

As a regional and rural women’s health service, we recognise the power of sport in preventing violence against women.

Our local communities are tightknit and sport is often a key reason for that. Sport can be a great vehicle for change. Sport can place social issues such as violence against women on the radar of the community and start a dialogue on hard to talk about topics.

Sport can also address potential issues or barriers to inclusion, respect, safety and equal opportunity that may be present in the club and affect women, men and gender-diverse people’s participation.

WHG and CoRE can help clubs be apart of the change process and help foster diverse and inclusive cultures, particularly the attraction and retention of women and girls.


There are many benefits of becoming a CoRE member, including:

Communities of Respect & Equality (CoRE) & Sport

CoRE reaches many industries in the Grampians region and sport is a key setting. Many Australians believe sports organisations do more for the greater good and for communities than government, religious institutions or unions1 – therefore their engagement and participation in programs such as CoRE is important.


Level the playing field in your club and fast track gender equality outcomes through WHG intensive Act@Play program, designed specifically for a sporting club.


Become an expert in understanding gender equality in sport through our tailored and sport specific resources.

For more information contact:

Dee Angelina Micevski (she/her)
Lead, Gender Equality in Sport and Recreation (WHG)
Regional Consultant (WHG)
03 5322 4100

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