Equality For All

Equality for All, currently on its second round, will continue to strengthen the CoRE Alliance while raising awareness of diversity and empowering local women to be Equality Advocates. Nine women from diverse backgrounds have been employed to champion change across the Grampians region. Equality Advocates have been trained to share their lived experiences so CoRE members can:

  • listen and learn;
  • develop a deeper understanding of all forms of discrimination and inequality;
  • reflect on current attitudes;
  • take meaningful action to break down structural barriers;
  • work towards advancing diversity, inclusion, and equality for all women.


Go HERE to get to know our Equality Advocates and their topics.

Complete the booking form HERE to invite an Equality Advocate to speak and engage.

For further information, please contact Kate Diamond-Keith or Katrina Baraquiel on 03 5322 4100 or via email kate@whg.org.au / katrina@whg.org.au.

Equality for All | Podcast Series

Listen to our podcast HERE for women’s stories of diversity in regional Victoria.

Equality for All | Short Films

Equality Advocates from Cohort 1 share their lived experiences of discrimination and gender inequality. Click on the images to watch their videos.


Women’s Health Grampians acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government.

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