Violence Against Women

Prevention of Violence Against Women

Women’s Health Grampians (WHG) is the lead organisation for the prevention of violence against women in the Grampians region.

We work with partner organisations to prevent violence against women by addressing the inequalities and attitudes that lead to disrespect and violence.

Find out more about the causes and impact of violence against women in our Resources.

In Australia:

  • 1 woman is murdered by her partner or ex-partner every week
  • 1 in 3 women will experience physical violence during their lifetime
  • 1 in 5 women will experience sexual violence during their lifetime

The Grampians region has consistently:

  • Higher rates of family violence than metropolitan regions
  • Higher rates of family violence incidents than the state average

Communities of Respect and Equality (CoRE) 

Our main prevention initiative is the Communities of Respect and Equality (CoRE) alliance. CoRE provides support and resources for local organisations and businesses to promote greater equality in the workplace and the community.

Central Highlands Integrated Family Violence Committee (CHIFVC)

WHG is a long standing member of the Central Highlands Integrated Family Violence Committee. CHIFVC brings together organisations from a range of sectors working to improve the service system for people impacted by family violence. WHG provides auspice support for CHIFVC including employing the Principal Strategic Advisor.

For help or assistance

POLICE (000)

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or requires Police attendance.

Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre (1800 015 188)

For state-wide professional support, information and referrals in relation to family violence.

1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)

For sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service.

For further information on organisations and services supporting family violence

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