International Women’s Day Garden Party

On the morning of March 4th, Women’s Health Grampians and WRISC Family Violence Support hosted a garden party to celebrate International Women’s Day. The dual themes of International Women’s Day were #GenerationEquality, acknowledging the achievements and progress of the past 25 years and looking forward to what the next generation will achieve, and #EachForEqual, a reminder that our individual actions, conversations, behaviours and mindsets can have an impact on our larger society.


Two key achievements were celebrated at the party – the achievement of Rainbow Tick accreditation by WRISC, and the launch of Women’s Health Grampians’ Intersectionality Guide – a resource developed as part of the Equality for All project to assist CoRE members in applying an intersectional lens to their work. Presentations were made by WRISC’s Hilary Pope, Women’s Health Grampians’ Kate Diamond-Keith, and Equality Advocates Joy Juma and Sumira Chhabra Gambhir.

Date: 04/03/2020

Category: About Us

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